ghost for linux a.k.a g4l
2006-10-04 00:40:01 UTC
I have a very questionable hardrive on a win2k box used for scada application
and weather monitoring. I need to move everything over to a new hardrive. The
weather software is 7 years old and install floppies are questionable. The
scada software was for nt4 and patched up to work on win2k.

To avoid all sorts of install complications I think the best thing would be to
ghost the old hardrive onto a new one.

The existing hd is vfat and I'll pre format the new one as vfat.

Has anyone on the list used g4l as a bootable cd and will it allow me to ghost a
bootable system onto the new hardrive?


Robert Moonen
2006-11-29 06:59:38 UTC
Post by f***@aapt.net.au
I have a very questionable hardrive on a win2k box used for scada application
and weather monitoring. I need to move everything over to a new hardrive. The
weather software is 7 years old and install floppies are questionable. The
scada software was for nt4 and patched up to work on win2k.
To avoid all sorts of install complications I think the best thing would be to
ghost the old hardrive onto a new one.
The existing hd is vfat and I'll pre format the new one as vfat.
Has anyone on the list used g4l as a bootable cd and will it allow me to ghost a
bootable system onto the new hardrive?
If you buy a harddrive of simialar geometry, you should be able to just
use dd.
Robert G. Moonen
registered Linux user number 298132

I swear, we're working on restoring sanity, as soon as we can find the
backup tapes -- Charles Kuffner
Rick Miles
2006-11-29 07:34:30 UTC
Thanks Robert,

But when did you notice this email I posted quite awhile ago. AS it turns out
I was going to try dd but drive died right after backing up the most critical
stuff operating off a linux rescue disk.

I have another one to do this time before disk goes bad but Its hard to match
geometry when the original disk is 6 years old.

Robert Moonen is a darn nice person I don't care what anybody says!
Post by Robert Moonen
Post by f***@aapt.net.au
I have a very questionable hardrive on a win2k box used for scada
application and weather monitoring. I need to move everything over to a
new hardrive. The weather software is 7 years old and install floppies
are questionable. The scada software was for nt4 and patched up to work
on win2k.
To avoid all sorts of install complications I think the best thing would
be to ghost the old hardrive onto a new one.
The existing hd is vfat and I'll pre format the new one as vfat.
Has anyone on the list used g4l as a bootable cd and will it allow me to
ghost a bootable system onto the new hardrive?
If you buy a harddrive of simialar geometry, you should be able to just
use dd.

Rick Miles

Movement stopped is no movement,
and rest set in motion is no rest.

Written on Pungenday, the 41st of The Aftermath, 3172
Andrew McGlashan
2006-11-29 08:01:57 UTC
Post by Rick Miles
I have another one to do this time before disk goes bad but Its hard
to match geometry when the original disk is 6 years old.
You could try dd-ing each partition that is required to a file, then mount
the file as required.

Kind Regards


Andrew McGlashan
Broadband Solutions now including VoIP 1300 85 3804

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Robert Moonen
2006-11-29 08:46:13 UTC
Post by Rick Miles
Thanks Robert,
But when did you notice this email I posted quite awhile ago.
Sorry, but have been behind in reading all my email for some time, only
caught up now. :-)
Post by Rick Miles
AS it turns out
I was going to try dd but drive died right after backing up the most critical
stuff operating off a linux rescue disk.
Bummer hey.
Post by Rick Miles
I have another one to do this time before disk goes bad but Its hard to match
geometry when the original disk is 6 years old.
From my limited experience using dd, I seem to recall, that providing
the heads/spt geometry is the same, then it will just plonk in the
partition leaving the rest to be managed by the user.

But in the case of inexact geometry matching, patimage should be the ticket.
Post by Rick Miles
Robert Moonen is a darn nice person I don't care what anybody says!
Post by Robert Moonen
Post by f***@aapt.net.au
I have a very questionable hardrive on a win2k box used for scada
application and weather monitoring. I need to move everything over to a
new hardrive. The weather software is 7 years old and install floppies
are questionable. The scada software was for nt4 and patched up to work
on win2k.
To avoid all sorts of install complications I think the best thing would
be to ghost the old hardrive onto a new one.
The existing hd is vfat and I'll pre format the new one as vfat.
Has anyone on the list used g4l as a bootable cd and will it allow me to
ghost a bootable system onto the new hardrive?
If you buy a harddrive of simialar geometry, you should be able to just
use dd.
Robert G. Moonen
registered Linux user number 298132

I swear, we're working on restoring sanity, as soon as we can find the
backup tapes -- Charles Kuffner